Love this interview so much, Hannah! If you have the opportunity your "rabbit" may enjoy a visit to Ostrich Land--took my oldest kiddo and they loved it. They got to hold a hatching egg and a day old ostrich. Lot's chickens and ducks, too. http://www.ostrichlandontario.com/ostrichland/.

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Wow, Caren. I've never even heard of this place! Thanks for letting me know :)

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If the rabbit has big ears, or really, just keen ones, have a look at https://www.audubon.org/birding-by-ear, where I learned that Alexa can access more than 2,000 bird songs from the Audubon library. Watching by song is what I do more of, now that I am getting old-ish.

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Oh, I need this one because I truly can't see half of what he points out to me. Thank you! As for apps, this is a very trepidatious step I'll be taking since I'm very wary of introducing apps and devices (he already uses a tablet to back up and pore over his photos). I know it will be birding, ironically, that will eventually be his entry into more apps, internet use, etc. Glad to have this list for when we're ready -- thank you!

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