Welcome to At The End Of the Day. I’m Hannah Sung and I write this newsletter for a people-first perspective on the news. Visit me on Instagram and pay-what-you-wish to support this work.
I’m writing in a borrowed office in the building where I basically grew up. 20 years ago, I was working as a MuchMusic VJ and discovering the world through a very specific, live television, celebrity-and-real-world smash-up lifestyle of adulting.
I’m back in the building these days, guest hosting on The Social on CTV. It’s been so fun and I wore high heels for the occasion (also borrowed — there’s a stylist, guys).
It’s been funny to revisit the world of live television, something that made me want to barf with nervousness back in my 20s.

It’s also a very nice full-circle moment to take stock of what I’ve done since those years. Especially as I write this newsletter from a place of having way more life experience. I would never trade being in my 40s for being in my 20s. Never.
Today’s newsletter is a quickie hit to say hi and that I’m working on some fun giveaways for you in the coming weeks.
Next week I’m going to feature the work of a special friend whose work inspired me to take the plunge and start my own thing — this newsletter. I can’t wait to share her story with you.
Bigger picture, I’ve got a whole bunch of work to crank out in the next few weeks while we fit in some family flu shots and anticipate Covid shots for the kids (they are so close I can smell them!).
Before this year is out, I’m hoping to coast, have some fun with you and maybe take a hot second to relaaaaaaax.
What I’ve been up to
In TV-land

In podcast-land

And introducing…
My beloved Media Girlfriends and I have been working on a new podcast for The Toronto Star and Black North Initiative, called Between Us With Wes Hall. It’s so new that it’s baaaaarely been announced and I’m sharing it here because I want you to follow on your fave podcast app so you don’t miss Episode 1, which drops early next week. Once that’s out in the world, we will blast it from the rooftops. You heard it here first.
This podcast is about talking out solutions to anti-Blackness and systemic, racial discrimination in the workplace. The guests are amazing and these conversations are so necessary — just a slice of the overall, ongoing conversation on how we can all tackle this issue from where we already are, with the tools we already possess.
Hope this doesn’t feel overly promotional (sincerely couldn’t get that image above to look less like an ad, ha ha). I’m sharing in the spirit of letting you know what I’ve been up to in case talk TV or podcasts are your jam.
Okay, that’s it for me! I hope you have a beautiful weekend. I’ll be getting my flu shot, a winter coat for my kid and puttering around with no agenda after a very structured work week. Hope you’ve got something good in store, too.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. Hey, if you’re reading and you’re a small business owner, I’m putting together a gift guide for the ATEOD community. The goal is to list a few consumable, non-wasteful but fun and luxurious treats to get and to give. While I can’t promise you anything, I’d love to share what you’re doing with others who are reading. If you’re interested, just hit reply and let me know about your business.
✨✨✨ At The End Of the Day is edited by Laura Hensley ✨✨✨
I would tidy my home office for you
Recently, I asked you to fill out a survey. You shared lots of opinions and I loved it. I thought I’d share a little pie chart (it’s so symmetrical and pretty) that I found interesting.
Soooo, you’re NOT all Zoomed out! Cool. I love the idea of doing something fun together. Will think on it and cook something up for the new year.
Let’s build together
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My big goal with this newsletter is to build out the resources for a small team. If you are a regular reader, become a pay-what-you-wish supporter. Thank you to everyone who is subscribed, reading, sharing and supporting this work.
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