Hi Hannah!

I loved your column!

I think if something changed for me through “The Pandemic Experience” is that I realized that I LOVE PEOPLE SO MUCH!!!!!

People really are my very most beloved thing on this earth. I suppose I never paid too much attention to the fact. I suppose giving things for granted is natural for humans (and animals alike! I don’t imagine them writing gratitude lists!)

But yeah. There are things I call “the gifts of covid”. And one of those is that now I’m more grateful and mindful about, not only the people I love, but humans in general. We’re on this whole thing together, so similar in so many ways. And we need each other so much.

Human connection is really one of the most precious things there is.

Thank you for writing this and congrats to your hubby!! ❤️❤️❤️

Big hugs!! ❤️

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Hey Ani -- thanks! And I agree so much. But I can't wait to go back to taking things for granted ha ha ha (mostly a joke)

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